For some reason I don't want to write about anything really.. I just want to write about some good songs that I've heard lately. So here is my list:
Gossip & Thats Classy by Breathe Carolina.
I first heard of them at the Take Action Tour.
They are amazing :D
Breakdown by Forever the Sickest Kids.
I just randomly started listening to them
and I like them a lot.
I Think I'll Be Ok, Winter, & Beautiful Girls by Bayside.
My friend told me to listen to a song of theirs and
now I'm just in love with them.. They are best! ha.
Where I Stood & All For Believing by Missy Higgins.
I've heard her on the radio, and I just fell in love
with the songs she sings.
Alcohol by Millionaires.
That song is just pure hilarious.
It makes me smile, and reminds me of Jordyn :)
Broken Heart, & This is for Real by Motion City Soundtrack.
They just sing amazing songs, and I'll always be glad
my friend told me about them.
Compliment Each Other Like Colors by Play Radio Play.
This song just makes me think about certain things,
and I smile even though I shouldn't. haha,
I Want Candy Dead by Geoffrey Paris.
Its so funny. I love this song.
It makes me smile even when I'm sad.
Yeah, thats all I want to name right now.
haha, I'm too lazy to think about any others..
so yeah. If you want give these bands a listen.
Peace out & enjoy your sunday! :D