I haven't blogged in forever, and no one probably cares what I say. I just have to get things off my mind to just know it is on people's mind somehow.
Issue #1:
People complain about other people complaining.
Shut the hell up! You know you don't really have to listen to people complain, you can tune it out. So what if a bunch of people complain that it is so cold and it snows in UT. Yeah, we live here but we don't really like the cold. Maybe some people can't change their location, due to lack of money, or something else. Do you know their life? Can you be the judge of what they complain about? HELL NO. And honestly, if we aren't complaining about the weather, we are complaining about school, this dumb ass kid in our class or at work. This stupid driver on the road, our hair, our house, let me tell you this and help you; WE WILL ALWAYS COMPLAIN NO MATTER WHAT. So learn to deal with it or get the hell out of their problems. Tune them out, I'm sure you do that to like a ton of things in your life. Maybe you don't wanna clean your room, so you don't listen to your parents. Or you wanna go get drunk and you don't listen to your friends. Everyone knows how to tune out things in their life, so just tune out the complaining. Everyone is always going to complain about one thing, if not another. So deal with it!!! Seriously. It's so dumb. Yeah I can complain it snowed again in UT. Yeah I have lived here my whole life and should be use to it. Doesn't mean I like it or have too. I'd love to move out of UT and change my scenery but unless you are willing to give me money to do so, I can't. So shut the hell up. Plus you probably complain about something as well. Don't think you are so dang perfect and you don't do the same things I do. I bet people get sick of your complaining too. Maybe it isn't about the weather, maybe its about last nights basketball game, or how your child isn't getting enough attention for all their accomplishments. Whatever it is, you are complaining about it. And unless you stop complaining about things, then I don't have to either. It's my right to complain as much as it is yours. We do live in America, land of the free. We have a right to free speech, let me use my free speech to complain about what I want too. And don't judge, then I can't judge you. I wouldn't anyway cause I can't. I'm not perfect but whatever. You go on and think you are all perfect.. don't worry, sometime soon. You'll find someone willing to yell at you till you own up to your crap. Trust me, it'll happen. So let people complain, either listen or shut the hell up and tune 'em out! Pick a side and stick to it.
Issue #2:
Stupid Television Shows
Yes, I watch Jersey Shore and it is completely stupid. Full of pointless drama, people who shouldn't even be celebrities, or known to the world for drinking and partying, and etc. The list goes on and on and on. Thing is though, its addicting. Like someone said it's like watching Maury, you want to stop but can't. Realize that it is human to watch other people's drama. We love to know what is going on in other's lives and their drama. We like to see people fall and then rise again, or just fall. We love watching people go through their life. JERSEY SHORE IS NOT THE ONLY DUMB SHOW ON TV THESE DAYS. We have had worse. We had a few series of Paris Hilton, who is famous for having money. We have the Kardashian show about a family of rich people who have a famous father. There are so many more shows, just look at the tv guide and you can hit the jackpot of stupid and dumb shows. They're all pointless, completely. But we love it. We can't stop watching them, why do you think they keep being made? Ever cross your mind that maybe they keep being made over and over and over again in so many ways because we as humans love them? We can't stop watching them.. keep up and face reality. You can hate them or like them, either way.. they'll always be in your life. It's the television cycle of pointless drama and celebrities. Once Jersey Shore is over, they will make a new show about the same. Containing fake tans, fake people, dumb drama, people drinking and doing nothing.. and getting paid. Don't worry, another few shows are probably getting thought up of right now. They just wait to air them on television. And if we didn't have Jersey Shore, we'd have a love-hate relationship with another show. So tell me, when does it stop? Face it, it's life!! Welcome to it. Sorry it's like a hell hole sometimes but other times it is fantastic. FACE THE FACTS OF LIFE!!! You will never avoid it, so get over it. It's the whole complaining thing, we will always complain about stupid tv shows. Yeah they shouldn't be on tv but they are, what ya gonna do? If we take them off air, then people will be mad. As you notice there isn't a whole lot of feel good, wholesome, and virtuous shows. The ones that teach us about being good and a righteous person. (not religiously per say) We love the shows full of drugs, alcohol, sex, abuse, cheating, lying, and much more. Those are our favorite shows that we tend to watch. And if a show does exist to show good and moral values, it doesn't last long. Because even if we like them, it isn't what America wants to watch. So yeah.
Those are my two big issues I have with people. I do make these issues mine too. I complain about things in my life as if people care and they probably don't. I listen to others complain and don't ask them to stop though. And I watch pointless shows that I don't really like but oh well. Who doesn't nowadays? They are so many. And if you don't watch them, then you are hating on them. Oh well. It's life. Let's learn to live it and control it somehow. If not, we can't enjoy it and learn what we need too.
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