Sunday, May 31, 2009

At First When There's Nothing..

I haven't blogged in a while.. it feels weird. I don't know, I just haven't felt a need too. I have thought about it and then decided "I'll just do it later." Then I end up not doing it later. Hmm. Well lately I've been thinking about what I'm going to do this summer. I have some things I want to get done but then I think about the fact I don't really hang out with many people so I'll be a loner in doing them. So it makes me sad. This summer I want to have fun and make a ton of crazy memories. But I'm worried it won't be that way cause how I've been acting for the past month. I don't know.. I guess I'm just lost. I love summer time though! The parks are the best. Oh and swimming. Eh, I don't know what to write anymore. My mind has been going crazy-er than usual. I think of too many things some days. I'm glad summer is here and we have less then a week of school left, well "real school" anyways. I'm done with the homework and listening to teachers prattle on about the lessons. Sure I like the lessons cause they are good but I just can't pay attention long enough. I just want to nap all day long and have fun. One thing I'm not too excited for per say is drill practices. Ah, six to nine. I'm not ready for that. I love coming home afterwards for a nap though :) Drill is fun and worth it all but I just suck at conditioning and running. I'm weak :/ oh well. It'll be my last summer! ahh. Thats so crazy. I can't believe next year is senior year. Do you think it will be how people describe it? This amazing and wonderful yet crazy year. In all honesty, doesn't it seem a bit sad to you? It is our last year in high school. We can't ever come back and have the same experiences, the only way to come back is to be a teacher but thats a different experience. Ya know. I'm excited to grow up but not that excited. I like being in high school and not having so much responsibility. I don't think I can handle it yet. Plus I'm worried I won't make it far in the world. People always talk about wanting to change the world and do so much when they get older but do they? We're meant to become something so big but do we really ever reach our great destiny? Do we become all we were suppose to be? I'm worried I won't. I want to actually do something with my life but I don't know what. At the moment I have no idea about my future. Sure I want to go to school and get a career I love. I just don't know how its going to happen, that might be the beauty of life but I don't like it. Ehh, I don't know. I am just rambling about nothing now :/ Have a good day and be safe.

I'm going to finish watching Flash Dance :)
btw, I love Footloose! ha.

1 comment:

Walters Pride said...

Okay, that 1st comment is a little... unexpected, but hey, you should read the Qur'an, you never know what you're missing out on. As for your post, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Life passes by so quickly that you'll look back one day and wonder what happened to it all. My advice, don't worry about the little things, focus on your dreams and avoid the distractions. There was a quote I read not too long ago that said "If you attach your happiness to a goal, you can find it. If you attach it to a person, you'll likely never find it." The pieces of your life's puzzle will fit into place no matter what, just try to look back with no regrets on the picture you've created. You are capable of anything, so just don't let yourself believe that you can't win the race before it has even started :)