Well I decided to follow the trend of some and do a blog of no name dropping but writing what I would say to certain people.. haha :) I know, I'm a copy cat. But hey, it was a good idea and yeah. There is good, bad, and just inbetween lol.
#1: duude, you're so gay and I really don't like you.
all you did was hurt me when you said you wouldn't.
#2: you're a beast! I love you so much, this year has
been amazing with you, and next year will be bomb!
#3: I miss hanging out with you. we use to be so close,
and now we're not :(
#4: I want to be closer with you, but we're not that
close. and I believe we will never be..
#5: my life would not be as amazing as it is without
you. you've been my friend for so long, I don't think
I could have survived as much as I did. even if I was
a pretty bad friend for a while, I'm sorry.
#6: you are the best! you're always there for me.. and
you always borrow my things, brat! haha. but you're
still someone I'll always love.
#7: its so sad that I'll always care for you.. you don't
deserve being cared for by anyone. I hope you end
up unhappy with your choices.
#8: be happy :) I love you and summer is coming
soon. so you can visit and things will get better,
even if it doesn't seem so right now.. :)
#9: I don't understand your ways, you're too shy
and very mean. but at times you make a lot of sense.
I'm glad I know you.
#10: you're so dumb yet you're smart. I'm glad you
have been in my life so long. I just wish you wouldn't
make bad choices right now.
#11: you're so flippin' cute! I just want to marry
you. haha, not really but I love hanging with you.
and I'm glad we get to spend time together.. even
if its lame. haha,
#12: you're stupid. I'll never forget you. I might
hate you but I can't forget you're stupid face.. :/
or what our friendship was.. you suck. stupid.
#13: you might be a bit crazy sometimes, but
I'm hoping you realize what you're doing right
now so you'll still be here later :) I love you so
much, you're one amazing friend! we have amazing
times together.. :)
#14: please don't forget me.. you know you'll
never find anyone better.
They are somewhat random, but whatever. I like them. haha, I think I'm going to go to bed though.. :) goodnight!